Premier Sponsors


Brenaea Fairchild
Founder & Exec Dir
The Melanin Village
Karen Fairley
NC Center for Safer Schools
Jessica Falkenthal
Community Experience Dir
Katie Fang
Founder & CEO
Min Fan
Exec Dir
United States Heartland China Association (USHCA)
Creslond Fannin
Exec Dir of Early College High School & PTECH
Office of School Leadership, Austin Independent School District
Diana Fedderman
Dir Of Supplemental Educational Svcs
School District of Palm Beach County
Carolyn Federman
Exec Dir
The Charlie Cart Project
Elliot Felix
Founder & CEO
brightspot strategy
Herman J. Felton Jr., PhD, JD
Wiley College
Cornelius Finley
Founder & CEO
Access Unlimited, Inc.
Amy Firestone
VP of Apprenticeship Carolina
South Carolina Technical College System
Dan Fisher
Pres & CEO
ECMC Group
Sarah FitzHenry
Learning & Community Mgr
BirdBrain Technologies
Andrew Flagel
Pres & CEO
Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area
Andrew Flagel
President & Ceo
Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area
Mike Flanagan
Mastery Transcript Consortium
Lyric Flood
Partner, School Design
Natalie Flores
Asst Principal
Carolyn Foote
The Librarians
Graham Forman
Founder & Managing Partner
Edovate Capital LLC
Denise Forte
CEO & President
The Education Trust
Kevin Foster
Associate Chair of the African and African Diaspora Studies Department
The University of Texas at Austin
Gregory Fowler
University of Maryland Global Campus
Keolu Fox
Co-Dir, Co-Founder, & Professor
University of California San Diego Indigenous Futures Institute
Paul France
President & CEO
Make Teaching Sustainable
Aisha Francis, PhD
Pres & Ceo
Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute Of Technology
Ellen Frank-Miller
Founder & Ceo
Paul Freedman
Executive Advisor
Guild Education
Kellee Fuller
Asst Dir
Brown Boy Productions
Kristal Funk
Temporary Effectiveness Coach
Kelsey Fusco
Science Teacher & Department Chair
South Forsyth High School