Who Is Your Organization as a Friend?

This session is part of the special 2024 Crossover Day. Attendance is open to all SXSW EDU badgeholders as well as all SXSW badgeholders. As always, SXSW strongly believes in the power of mixing creative communities.

If you’ve ever... lamented that everyone on your team talks about your work differently; written something about your program and thought, “I’m not sure this is the right tone.”; felt tension in how your mission and strategy fit together; questioned whether your work reflects your org’s values... then you’ve experienced the consequences of an unclear organizational identity. Led by an edu-focused comms agency, a superintendent, and an education research firm, this workshop unearths participants’ org identity and guides the development of a new, mission-aligned elevator pitch, in real time.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Jessie Collins
photo of Michelle Oliva