
#ChoppedEDU: Cooking Up Powerful High Schools

Mar 7, 2022

3:00pm – 4:30pm CT

Foodies will recognize this gameshow approach to education from Food Network’s “Chopped”. The workshop begins with an exploration of model schools that empower contribution and enable economic mobility. Once participants understand the recipe, they’ll break into groups and cook up a new high school model. Expert chefs will provide guidance as the groups make key decisions and prepare their school overview. You’ll pitch your model to expert chefs and a #ChoppedEdu winner will be crowned!

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Deion Jordan
Deion Jordan

Getting Smart

photo of Rebecca Midles
Rebecca Midles

Getting Smart

photo of Mike Ruyle
Mike Ruyle

Marzano Resources