photo of David Deschryver

David Deschryver

Senior Vice President and Co-Director of Research
Whiteboard Advisors

David DeSchryver is Senior Vice President and Co-Director of Research at Whiteboard Advisors, where he focuses on complex market research and analysis on emerging markets in the education and corporate training sector. David has been part of a wide range of cutting-edge education issues over his 20-year career. He helped state policymakers understand and craft their own charter school laws in the 1990s. He was an early employee of SchoolNet during the pioneering days of “data-driven-decision making,” helping build the K-12 learning management systems market in the early 2000s. As an attorney at the national education law firm of Brustein & Manasevit, he represented SEAs and LEAs on federal fiscal, procurement, and policy strategy and compliance matters during NCLB and ARRA.

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Events featuring David Deschryver
Events featuring David Deschryver