photo of Juliana Storniolo

Juliana Storniolo

School Principal
FourC Bilingual Academy

- Graduated in Arts (LETRAS) (Portuguese/English) from Universidade do Sagrado
Coração (USC);
- Graduated in Education from Universidade do Sagrado Coração (USC);
Masters in Education from Universidade Metodista from Piracicaba;
- 27 years of experience in Education;
- Certified by Project Zero from Harvard Graduate School of Education on the
following courses: “Teaching for Understanding” and “Making Thinking Visible:
understanding though Critical and Creative Thinking”;
- Certified by Harvard’s Professional Education Center on the “New and Aspirants
School Leadership” course;
- Certified by the Advanced Education Leadership (CAEL) program with the course
“Managing Evidences”;
- Certified by the Advanced Education Leadership (CAEL) program with the course
“Building Your Entry Plan to Lead for Equity in Education”;
- Certified by the Harvard Business School for the course “Leading Change”;
- Certified by the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)
on the following courses: “Immersion 101”, “Foundations of Dual Language and
Immersion Education”, “Assessment”, “Content-Based Language Instruction and
Curriculum Development” and “Meeting the Challenges Of Immersion education:
Counterbalance Instruction”;
I work at FourC Bilingual Academy since 2008. Here, I have coordinated the
kindergarten and elementary school department for ten years and now I am the
School’s Principal. I am also the director of FourC Learning. I have experience in
Education focusing on the Professional development for teachers, acting mainly on
Bilingual Education, Educational Practices and School Management.

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Events featuring Juliana Storniolo
Events featuring Juliana Storniolo