photo of Sritej Padmanabhan

Sritej Padmanabhan

National STEM Champion

Sritej is a passionate researcher and STEM advocate, developing innovative tools like a remote monitoring Telehealth system for his grandfather’s Parkinson’s and researching neuromorphic technology. Sritej has received many accolades such as the Broadcom MASTERS First Place STEM Award, National STEM Champion, and ISEF 3rd Place Category Award; a testament to his dedication to the advancement of science and healthcare. He dreams of a world where the pursuit of STEM education and health literacy can be open to anyone, regardless of socioeconomic status, a dream he pursues through his nonprofit, the Youth Research Initiative. In the future, Sritej aspires to become a computational neuroscientist, advocating for healthcare accessibility and research education to improve countless lives.

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Events featuring Sritej Padmanabhan
Events featuring Sritej Padmanabhan