photo of Guadalupe Miranda

Guadalupe Miranda

Million Girls Moonshot Flight Crew Representative
STEM Next Opportunity Fund

The first in her family to attend college and finish high school, Lupe is challenging the barriers of Latinas in higher education, specifically in the area of STEM. The oldest of 5 girls, Lupe seamlessly manages a 30-hour work week at two jobs while maintaining a 4.0 GPA.

An advocate for herself and others, Lupe is the Founder and CEO of two nonprofit organizations: Eyes on Chicago, teaching interactive science activities to kids ages 3-11, and the Resilient Hands for Latine. Lupe shares about these impressive organizations and her passion for STEM as a Million Girls Moonshot Flight Crew Representative.

Lupe will study human biology at Stanford University this fall, hoping to become a doctor and open her own clinic where she can offer pro bono services to marginalized communities.

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Events featuring Guadalupe Miranda
Events featuring Guadalupe Miranda