photo of Adam Martinez

Adam Martinez

Glass Half Full Theatre

Adam Martinez is a local actor, educator, clown, poet and south paw. Born and raised in (now occupied) East Austin, Tejaztlán, and educated at the University of Texas at El Paso, Adam had been making theatre since he played a member of the Jewish resistance in an adaptation of Lois Lowery's "Number the Stars" at 10. Some credits include Enoughie in "Las Adventures de Enoughie," the Coyote in "Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote," and numerous productions of "La Pastorela." Adam recently portrayed Hans Christian Andersen in "Beto, Beto, el Abeto" at Zilker Botanical Garden. Adam has played Carbon Capture before and can't wait to do it again!

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Events featuring Adam Martinez
Events featuring Adam Martinez