photo of Sarah Mueller

Sarah Mueller

Managing Director, Talent Services

Sarah is a teacher, team leader and talent consultant who has spent her entire career in the educational equity space. She started her career as a Teach For America South Dakota corps member, teaching first grade on Pine Ridge Reservation before joining TFA staff in Dallas Fort Worth. She was an instructional coach and team leader for five years before joining the Talent Services team at WorkMonger. At WorkMonger, she leads talent consulting and executive search work across the country, with a particular focus on finding and matching high quality instructional leaders with the right organizations, building racially diverse teams, and supporting organizations in transition. She's incredibly proud of her team she grew from 1 to 7, and has 100% retention for the past 3 years. She'd love to talk hiring in 2024, trends she's seeing, and how to build a high performing team that stays.

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Events featuring Sarah Mueller
Events featuring Sarah Mueller