photo of Sarah Gonzalez

Sarah Gonzalez

Associate Director, Workplace & Economic Justice
Futures Without Violence

Sarah (she/her) leads FUTURES’ economic justice initiatives related to safe and sustainable employment and economic opportunity and mobility and provides strategic guidance and direction to FUTURES’ economic justice policy portfolio. Sarah oversees the National Resource Center, Workplaces Respond to Domestic and Sexual Violence, a national training and technical assistance program that works with employers, labor organizations, workers, and survivors to create safer, equitable, and worker-centered workplaces. She also provides thought leadership to programming focused on improving access to quality employment opportunities for survivors of trafficking and gender-based violence through the implementation of trauma-informed workforce development strategies and fostering local cross-sector collaboration between victim service providers and workforce development programs. Finally, Sarah launched ground-breaking research on economic sabotage, control, and exploitation and its impacts among adolescents experiencing relationship abuse and programming co-led by teens to disrupt and prevent economic abuse.

Sarah also serves on the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine’s Advisory Committee for the Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education.

Prior to joining FUTURES, Sarah oversaw the Economic Security for Survivors Project, a national training, technical assistance, and research project at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research and Wider Opportunities for Women and facilitated family economic security programming in the District of Columbia. Sarah received her BA from Colgate University and MPP from the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Events featuring Sarah Gonzalez
Mar 4, 2024
1:00pm — 2:00pm
Presented by
The Allstate Foundation
Events featuring Sarah Gonzalez
Mar 4, 2024
1:00pm — 2:00pm
Presented by
The Allstate Foundation