photo of Amy Donofrio

Amy Donofrio

Executive Director
EVAC Movement

Amy Donofrio is a 13-year public school educator and Executive Director of the EVAC Movement, which she co-founded with her students at Robert E. Lee High School to address the significant inequities faced by Black youth in Florida. Starting by hosting officials in their classroom for youth-led roundtables, they quickly succeeded beyond their wildest dreams: presenting at the White House, Tedx, and four times at Harvard. The school's response? Canceling their class, throwing their awards in the trash, and making national headlines for terminating Donofrio after she declined to remove a Black Lives Matter flag from their classroom. Today Donofrio and her students continue their work by sharing their story and strategies with educators, youth and advocacy leaders nationwide.

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Events featuring Amy Donofrio
Events featuring Amy Donofrio