Strength in Borders: Sourcing Global Data Science Innovation

Mar 7, 2024

10:00am – 11:00am CT

This session is part of the special 2024 Crossover Day. Attendance is open to all SXSW EDU badgeholders as well as all SXSW badgeholders. As always, SXSW strongly believes in the power of mixing creative communities.

U.S. education leaders lament our relative progress to other countries, but do little to proactively collaborate with those who are charging ahead. But K-12 data science does things differently. Born from global collaboration, data science education advocates leveraged global connections to accelerate a new field from its inception. From the first-ever cross-country K-12 learning framework to international exchange of research and curricula models, join us to learn how going global made data science education a reality and what lessons we can learn from our partners across the globe.

This is an accredited session for CPE credit.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Kate Farrell

Kate Farrell

University of Edinburgh, Moray House School of Education

photo of Tue Halgreen

Tue Halgreen

Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development

photo of Ronit Nehemia

Ronit Nehemia

Israel Ministry of Education

photo of Conrad Wolfram

Conrad Wolfram

Wolfram Research Europe

Format: Panel
Type: Session
Focus Area: K-12 Education