How America Will End Legacy Admissions

Mar 7, 2024

10:00am – 11:00am CT

This session is part of the special 2024 Crossover Day. Attendance is open to all SXSW EDU badgeholders as well as all SXSW badgeholders. As always, SXSW strongly believes in the power of mixing creative communities.

For decades, legacy preferences have seemed too entrenched in our admissions system to be eliminated yet in the last 2 years, through campus activism and legislative pressure, more universities are dropping the practice. This conversation will feature two of the figures leading the effort to end legacy preferences in America and the interdisciplinary levers they are pulling to make education more fair in the US. Viet Nguyen has lead the national alumni donations boycott, mobilizing tens of thousands of alumni, while Michael is head counsel of the Harvard lawsuit to end legacy preferences.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Michael Kippins

Michael Kippins

Lawyers for Civil Rights

photo of Viet Nguyen

Viet Nguyen


Format: Conversation
Type: Session
Focus Area: Higher Education