Savior or Disruptor?: Non-Degree Credentials & Higher Ed

Mar 7, 2024

10:00am – 11:00am CT

This session is part of the special 2024 Crossover Day. Attendance is open to all SXSW EDU badgeholders as well as all SXSW badgeholders. As always, SXSW strongly believes in the power of mixing creative communities.

Despite the proliferation of tech and IT non-degree credentials (NDCs), questions persist about which NDCs work, and for whom. Recent regional efforts to increase uptake of NDCs and measure their value in the hiring market have fallen short in both domains. How can we support colleges and universities leading the way in NDC implementation and evaluation? In this session, leading 2- and 4-year institutions will discuss challenges in tech/IT NDC adoption and impact measurement. We will also highlight promising strategies for student engagement, data collection, and employer partnership.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Anthony Caison

Anthony Caison

Wake Technical Community College

photo of Emily Demsetz

Emily Demsetz

Harvard Project on Workforce

photo of Lydia Riley

Lydia Riley

University of Texas System - Office of Academic Affairs

photo of Ted Rounsaville

Ted Rounsaville

McKinsey & Company

Interpreted ASL