Featured Session: Raise the Bar to Elevate & Diversify the Teaching Profession
Join a discussion of the teacher pipeline, both the shortages and the lack of diversity. How can we attract young people to the teaching profession as well as build a strong and diverse teacher pipeline to help school districts stem the tide of retirements and the current teaching shortage? You will hear about national and local strategies being used to recruit, retain, and support prospective teachers. Teachers are the backbone of our public education system, and we must elevate them and their profession.
This is an accredited session for CPE credit.Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Miguel A. Cardona
U.S. Department of Education
Javaid Siddiqi
The Hunt Institute
Michael Sorrell
Paul Quinn College
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This event is currently available on demand.
Video On Demand for this event began on Friday, March 10th 2023 at 11:30am CT.
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