photo of Ashley Solesbee

Ashley Solesbee

Manager, Education Programs
Participate Learning

Ashley is a veteran teacher and curriculum designer with 17 years experience in education. She comes to her passion for Global Education honestly, as it was the work that kept her going as a teacher in her own classroom for 13 years.

Highlights of her career include completing Fulbright's Teachers for Global Classrooms program and teaching in Morocco in 2018, designing curriculum and leading PD experiences for teachers with the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival in Durham, NC, and most recently, all of the work she has done with Participate Learning - coaching and supporting international teachers from all over the world, and working to bring the Global Leaders framework to life in schools across North Carolina and Virginia.

She is passionate about showing up for teachers with materials and coaching that validates and empowers them as both professionals and people, and looks forward to serving as both a Mentor and a Speaker at SXSW this year.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.