photo of Joe May

Joe May

Dallas College

Having served seven years as Chancellor of Dallas College, Dr. Joe May brings a strong commitment to improving the Dallas economy and growing regional jobs. Under his leadership, the College is taking responsibility for many of the community's most challenging issues, including regional workforce needs, growth of minority-owned businesses, the negative impacts of income disparity, and providing opportunity equality. To help meet the needs of Dallas County students, May led the consolidation of seven separate colleges into a single institution. Previously known as the Dallas County Community College District, Dallas College now serves over 150,000 North Texas students. Because of his commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, May serves as the founding president of Rebuilding America's Middle Class (RAMC), a national consortium of community colleges, and helped push Congress to reinstate year-round Pell Grants and second chance Pell Grants for the currently incarcerated.

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Events featuring Joe May
Events featuring Joe May