photo of Micah Brown

Micah Brown

General Partner

Micah is the General Partner at Centiment Capital, an NYC based VC Fund.

Centiment Capital is the only Venture Capital firm in the US to focus on investing in technical founders of color working on Deep Tech and Neuroscience business problems, leveraging its unique IP Syndication Financing Model, Valuation Artifical Intelligence tools and Mezzanine Financing Models to fund pre-seed and seed stage startups.

Micah is also the CEO and Founder of Centiment, a Neurodata AI Company, and Filmfundr, which is AI driven Film Technology, which was acquired by Battery Park Entertainment in 2018.

Micah has worked as a senior level technology consultant and manager within the insurance industry for Aon as well as in commercial, retail and investment banking at Barclays. Micah has also worked within media technology for Viacom and NBC and has a culminate 14 years of technology experience as an Engineer and C Level Executive.

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Events featuring Micah Brown
Events featuring Micah Brown