photo of Lara Ashmore

Lara Ashmore

Dir, Emerging Technology
Brain Performance Institute at Center for BrainHealth

As the technology director for the Brain Performance Institute, Dr. Lara Ashmore focuses on cultivating strategic partnerships, commercialization of Center for BrainHealth scientific discoveries, and leads efforts to custom tailor requirements and solutions for integrated business platforms. In addition, Lara supports the growth of the Brain Performance Institute by providing oversight of the Virtual Reality Lab, the design and development of the online BrainHealth Physical, online Strategic Memory Advanced Reasoning Training (SMART), new technology applications for adopting SMART strategies, and internal policies and procedures.

Lara has more than 22 years of Internet design, development and research expertise. Prior to joining the Brain Performance Institute, Lara founded Inspire Brilliance, a Dallas-based agency offering consultation services for strategic planning, project optimization and targeted research solutions by synergizing philanthropy, technology and innovation.

Lara received her Ph.D. in Educational Technology from the University of Virginia. Her area of research was Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences combined with advanced Internet technologies to increase learning outcomes. While completing her doctoral dissertation, Lara worked at the University of Virginia Advanced Technology Group in R&D and with America Online during the earliest stages of the World Wide Web era. Lara's research interests include neuroengineering, wearable technologies, virtual and augmented reality, immersive learning environments, social impact and innovation.

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Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Events featuring Lara Ashmore
Events featuring Lara Ashmore