photo of Bryan Westerman

Bryan Westerman

Student Data Privacy Officer
Denver Public Schools

Bryan currently provides district-wide leadership as the Student Data Privacy Officer in the collection, sharing, and management of student data used for school, district, state, and federal purposes. He also provides leadership in the development, implementation, ongoing training, and monitoring of district-wide student data privacy policies and related processes. Additionally, Bryan ensures compliance with all statutory requirements and policies related to student data, student records, and student data privacy to include: FERPA, COPPA, CIPA, PPRA, and Colorado HB 16-1423. Finally, Bryan also provides representation and advocacy for district interests on statewide committees and organizations, Colorado Department of Education, and Colorado legislative initiatives.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Events featuring Bryan Westerman
Events featuring Bryan Westerman