Presented by American Student Assistance

Career Education: Policy & Practice to Best Serve Learners

Mar 4, 2024

11:30am – 12:30pm CT

Can state policy change the way you help students learn about careers and prepare for their futures? We say yes. Hear the topline findings from a new study on the State of Middle School Career Exploration in the U.S.–a 50-state analysis on how states are handling career exploration programs, and from state leaders looking to change how their states are preparing young people for the future with exposure to high-impact career focused programming.

This is an accredited session for CPE credit.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Paul Herdman

Paul Herdman

Rodel of DE

photo of Kayla Jimenez

Kayla Jimenez


photo of Julie Lammers

Julie Lammers

American Student Assistance

photo of Danielle Ongart

Danielle Ongart

Colorado Department of Education

Online Availabilty

This event is currently available on demand.
Video On Demand for this event began on Tuesday, March 5th 2024 at 11:30am CT.
You must be signed in and linked to watch.

Interpreted ASL