Ensuring Faster School Safety Response Times in Our Schools

Mar 5, 2024

11:30am – 12:30pm CT

Whether it’s a medical emergency, a student fight, or a violent threat in a school, teachers and staff need the most efficient tools available to respond to school safety incidents. Several states have passed laws making certain safety alert technologies mandatory in their schools. Called Alyssa’s Law in memory of Parkland shooting victim Alyssa Alhadeff, this momentum indicates a prioritization of certain technologies. But what works? Hear from school districts on their implementation of Alyssa’s Law or how their technologies function in practice to help teachers, students, and staff.

This is an accredited session for CPE credit.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Susan Enfield

Susan Enfield

Washoe County School District

photo of Kathy Martinez-Prather

Kathy Martinez-Prather

Texas School Safety Center

photo of Roderick Sams
photo of Ron Self

Ron Self

Little Rock School District

Format: Panel
Type: Session
Focus Area: K-12 Education