
Make a Food Computer: Open-Sourced Tech in Classes

Mar 7, 2018

4:00pm – 4:30pm CT

Build a miniature Food Computer and learn how to easily incorporate open-sourced technology into classroom project-based learning. In this session, everyone will make a Computer-controlled, hydroponic, personal garden with a Raspberry Pi (a $35, palm-sized Computer) and materials from a home-improvement store to learn how we can easily create a hands-on curriculum that engages students with technology and real-world challenges.

[Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.]

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Melanie Shimano

Melanie Shimano

Baltimore City Department of General Services

Format: Hands On
Type: Session
Track: Instruction